Discover the oldest artisanal Cider House of Finistere.

The cider house of our grandparents which we have modernised over time while respecting the traditional know-how, making the widespread reputation of the Kerné ciders and apple juices to where it belongs today.

Anne, Claude and Gérard BOSSER

22 medals
at the Concours Général Agricole since 2010
Our expertise
Bigouden by nature

The cider house of our grandparents which we have modernised over time while respecting the traditional know-how, making the widespread reputation of the Kerné ciders and apple juices to where it belongs today.

Our artisanal ciders are of breton origin, guaranteed by the IGP Bretagne certification (Indication Géographique Protégée) : ciders produced in Brittany, exclusively with cider apples of Brittany.

The effervescence of our ciders is obtained naturally.

Discover the oldest artisanal Cider House of Finistere.

The principle foundation of the Kerné cider has been and still is :  the consistency in its quality and in its taste. A value which undoubtedly made it, the preferred cider in the crêperies  of Finistère with the most presence.

Our products of ciders and apple juice
Kerné Ciders

Kerné Ciders

Bigouden by nature, the Kerné cider is a unique and particular cider of Brittany, the fruit of a long experience and of a recognised know-how. It expresses all the vitality and flavour of a privileged terroir. To taste our pure-juice artisanal ciders, is to embrace a wave of freshness with intense and delicate fragrances. An authentic and festive moment is therefore waiting for you….
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Apple Juices

Apple Juices

Enjoy our pure apple juices at any time of day. Enjoyed by young and old alike, they are made with care from apples selected for their taste.
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The Apéritif and the Vinegar

The Apéritif and the Vinegar

At Kerné, discover our selection of cider-based products. With the greatest respect for traditional know-how, we produce an aperitif and a cider vinegar from organics apples.
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The shop

Situated at about twenty kilometres from Quimper, our beautiful capital of Cornouaille, we will be glad to welcome you during your next stops (or holidays) in southern Finistère.

The Kerné boutique highlights a selection of local breton products from the terroir, especially from the cornouaille region : sweet, savoury, natural or processed, there is surely something for everyone.

Kerné Discovery Area

Get ready for a discovery escapade in Pouldreuzic ! The Kerné discovery area recounts the history of cider and apples through different themes.  Discover the apple in all its colours  and disclose the secrets of the production of cider.  This discovery area is meant to be educational and recreational, accessible to old and young of all ages, with films and other interactive tools.

Animations & Visits

All year round, we propose animations in our boutique in Pouldreuzic. Discover the programme and come experience a unique moment at Kerné.

Visits are available only during autumn and upon reservation.

Our news
Prices and labels of Kerné Cider

Since 1947, Kerné cider has been made in the traditional, artisanal way in Finistère with apples from Brittany (IGP Bretagne).

Our products regularly win awards at the Concours Général Agricole in Paris, winning numerous medals as well as several Prix d’Excellence (2005, 2006, 2020, 2023) awarded by the French Ministry of Agriculture in recognition of our expertise and the quality of our products.

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